Who can apply?
Anyone can apply to be a volunteer who is over 20 years old. Speaking strong communicational level of English knowledge is a must in the International Session.
How can you apply?
You can apply through our volunteer database. Here you need to register, create a profile, then upload an English CV, a photo of you and a reference. After this you need to fill in the application form sent to your email address.

How much time a summer session requires from me?
For volunteers the International Summer Family Session in 2025 requires 7 days (20-26 July). This means 1 preparations days before the campers arrive and one closing day after the families have left for home. For volunteers participating in these 7 full days is compulsory, in order to keep the consistency of the session and the program you must not miss any day. Please count with one extra training day (19 July August) if you are a new volunteer, it makes it 8 days for you then at the camp.
I don’t have much experience with children. Can I still apply?
You do not need any previous experience with children to become a volunteer, however it could be an advantage. The most important thing is that you treat our campers to the values of the camp, that you are able to give your full attention to them while giving empowering reflections and that you also enjoy yourself.
What medical knowledge a BátorTábor volunteer needs?
Throughout the whole session the medical volunteers are there for us: doctors, nurses, dieticians and physical therapists. They are responsible for the physical wellbeing, medication and the right diet of the campers. The maximum task you will be asked for is to escort a camper to the medical building in order to have his/her medication on time. You will hear about the different disorders, diseases and the most important hygienic rules during the preparation trainings. You have no medical responsibility in the camp and you will receive no detailed information about the campers’ diagnosis or current health state other than it is needed to keep them safe.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us in English or Hungarian: onkentes@batortabor.hu