Welcome to Digital Bátor Tábor!
Here you can learn a lot of tips, tricks and game ideas.
You will see that Bátor Tábor is not only a camp or a campsite. Bátor Tábor means you, and all of us, wherever you are right now anywhere and anytime.
You are just in the right place on this site if you are thinking about the idea of volunteering, if you are looking for games, chat/discussion topics for your class and family, or you are searching for ideas for team building occasions. Moreover, you can also sign up for one of our virtual programmes.
On this site, you will also see what kind of diseases the children who are coming to our camp sessions are living with. You can also learn how to leverage our method that we apply at camp to restart the childhood of seriously or chronically ill children and to help their families.
We believe that the sun always shines above the clouds and we know that playing, laughter, family or friend gatherings have a healing power. Here we provide a little support to all of these.
Are you ready to discover the Digital Bátor Tábor? Check the map and by clicking on each location you will easily find what you are looking for.
We are glad that you are here!
The team of the Bátor Tábor
We are grateful to all of our supporters for contributing with a virtual brick to our mission and thus our digital camp could be ‘build up’!